Go Kids Go

This project was set up in 2012 by Weston-super-Mare Lions Club and the Weston Mercury. Its mission is to provide financial support to organisations and individuals which promote activity in people under the age of 18. When GoKidsGo was last able to proceed in 2019, 21 grants were awarded, from 58 applications. Grants ranged from £200 to £1,800.

Our mission is to make a positive change to the lives of children and young people in this area. We need to ensure all the projects we fund help us to achieve this. Your application will be judged by a panel drawn from our sponsors. Please read these guidelines to ensure a grant from Go Kids Go! is appropriate for your needs.

We will only consider giving grants under the following terms and conditions:

  • Your organisation and project must be based within postcodes BS22, 23, 24, 25 or 29.
  • You must be a registered club, charity or other not-for-profit organisation, set up to encourage activity in children.

Applications fall under two categories:

  1. Sport
  2. Other
    (Theatre or drama groups, music groups, scouts and girl guiding groups, youth clubs, gardening clubs community clubs or other organisations which promote activity and social interaction in children.)

Our focus is firmly on children and young people. We will examine grant applications from organisations that encourage young people to get involved in sporting, cultural and community activities, where additional funds will improve the facilities for those taking part.

Examples of grants which have been successful are:

  • New training equipment.
  • Kit, tools, shirts, balls, bats etc.
  • Playground equipment.

We will not consider grants for:

  • Relief of statutory responsibility.
  • Applications from local government (except school associated) or NHS bodies.
  • The promotion of religion.
  • Medical treatment/research.
  • Bursaries, sponsored places, fees or equivalent.
  • General appeals or endowment funds.
  • Deficit funding or repayment of loans.

Making your 2022 application:

Application forms can be downloaded from www.wsmlions.org.uk or www.westonmercury.co.uk.
They can also be collected from the Mercury office, in 32 Waterloo Street.

If some questions do not apply, put N/A (not applicable) but do not leave any section blank.

You can submit additional information with your application form, if you think it helpful.

The adjudicators’ decision will be final. No correspondence will be entered into about their decision.

Please note that previous Go Kids Go! applicants are eligible to enter.


Step 1 – Before you apply

Our application process is very competitive so, to give yourselves the best possible chance, please read our guidance and eligibility rules above carefully. The more information you can give, the greater chance of success!

If you have questions please contact Malcolm Timmis, via malvaltimmis@talktalk.net or 01934 632450, or at the Mercury via newsdesk@westonmercury.co.uk or 01934 422500.

Step 2 – Complete your application form

Please include as much information as possible about your organisation, why it requires the grant, who the grant will benefit and what it will buy. If possible please provide a cost breakdown of equipment. A daytime telephone number and an email address which is checked daily must be supplied. Any applications without these details can not be considered.

Step 3 – Sending us your application

When you have completed the form, email it to newsdesk@westonmercury.co.uk or deliver it to:

Go Kids Go!
The Weston, Worle & Somerset Mercury
32 Waterloo Street
BS23 1LW

Step 4 – The Judging. 

            A panel of judges, drawn from the sponsors and other interested parties will review the applications and decide on the worthiness of the application and, where appropriate the amount to be awarded.

Step 5 – Presentation of awards

An awards presentation will be take place on the Sunday 31st July 2022. It will be in the Lions Beer Festival Marquee, Beach Lawns,  Weston-super-Mare. Please ensure your group is available to attend the presentation.

Finally – thank you

We appreciate that we have asked for a lot of information, but we owe it our benefactors and the people of Weston-super-Mare, who have entrusted us to spend their contributions wisely, to do all in our power to ensure we are acting properly. We are quite sure you would not have it any other way!

We thank you for your interest in Go Kids Go! and wish you the best of luck with your application.